Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Can Help Regrow Your Hair and Boost Your Confidence

A whopping 130 million men and women in the United States are experiencing some degree of hair loss — more specifically, 100 million men and 30 million women. In other words, hair loss greatly affects both genders, but we have a solution that can benefit both sides of the fence.

At Pain Medicine Consultants, our team of Harvard-, Stanford-, and Mayo Clinic-trained doctors is increasingly turning to regenerative medicine to help our patients heal more quickly, and we’ve discovered it also works well to combat hair loss. 

In a technique we call RestorationPlusMD, we’re able to tap your body’s incredible ability to regenerate and apply it to your scalp. Here’s how the four-step process works.

The power of platelets

In the first step of RestorationPlusMD, we harness the power of your own platelets to promote new hair growth. The platelets in your blood are largely responsible for clotting, but their role doesn’t stop there. They also release growth factors, which help with rebuilding and repair.

Since we’ve had great success using this technique to help our patients recover more quickly from musculoskeletal accidents or disease (think torn ligaments or arthritis), we apply the same practice to your weakened hair follicles.

To get started, we draw some of your own blood and separate out the platelets in a special centrifuge. We then mix this concentrate back in with your plasma, creating platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which we inject into the thinning areas in your scalp.

Bring in the light

For the next step in our RestorationPlusMD procedure, we apply red light to your treated areas for 30 minutes every other day after your PRP injections. Red light is a technique we use to boost healing and stimulate regrowth. To deliver the red light therapy, we use the iRestore system, which is cleared by the FDA to address thinning hair. 

Boosting resources

As we treat your hair loss, we also recommend that you take supplements that support hair growth, including:

When we get started, we supply you with a list of supplements that can help you create strong, healthy hair.

Choosing the right shampoo

The final step in our RestorationPlusMD is using a high-quality shampoo that contains biotin. You can find this on your own or buy the shampoo through our practice.

Three time’s the charm

Most of our patients benefit from three rounds of our RestorationPlusMD treatment, which we space apart by two months to allow time for hair regrowth between treatments.

It’s important to note that RestorationPlusMD is best for those who have thinning hair and who aren’t completely bald. In other words, if your scalp is shiny and there’s no evidence of any hair growth, this therapy is not likely to work. But if your hair is thinning, this means that there’s still follicle activity, which we can boost through RestorationPlusMD.

If you want to fight back against thinning hair, contact one of our locations in Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, or Corte Madera, California, to set up your RestorationPlusMD consultation.

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