Here's What Stem Cell Therapy Can Do For Your Chronic Pain

Dealing with chronic pain can be frustrating as treatment after treatment offers temporary relief, but eventually the debilitating pain creeps back in. As medical researchers cast about for longer-lasting solutions for chronic pain, many are focusing on stem cell therapy as a viable and sustainable solution that heals from within by tackling the source of your pain and addressing the problem through cell regeneration. Chronic pain may have met its match with stem cells.

At Pain Medicine Consultants, as our name suggests, our goal is to help our patients lead active and happy lives free from the bonds of pain. Whether it’s arthritis or an injury, we offer the relief you need to get on with your life. And one area we’re particularly excited about is regenerative medicine — more specifically, stem cell therapy.  Stem cell therapy is one of the regenerative medicine therapies offered as part of ExcelMD. ExcelMD is Pain Medicine Consultants specialized regenerative medicine program. 

Here’s a look at what stem cell therapy can do for chronic pain.

Stem cells 101

Human stem cells are the building blocks from which all other cells are made and are most potent during embryonic development. During this time, stem cells transform themselves into whatever cells are needed to form a human life from the ground up, and then multiply indefinitely as that type of cell — whether it’s skin cells, brain cells, or liver cells.

As an adult, you still have stem cells throughout your body, which are mostly located in your bone marrow, blood, and adipose fat. While these cells aren’t as powerful as they were during embryonic development, they still contain incredible transformative and regenerative powers.

When you’re injured, these cells jump into action and help with rebuilding and repair, but often not in the quantity and concentration you need.

Redirecting your stem cells

With our stem cell therapy, we harvest the stem cells from your bone marrow and redirect them to where you need them most. By concentrating these resources, we’re able to give your body the healing boost it needs to repair your damaged tissue, which, in turn, alleviates your pain.

We harvest your stem cells during an in-office procedure using only local anesthesia. Once we’ve harvested them, we’re able to inject your stem cells into your damaged tissue, where your body readily accepts the reinforcements.

As the stem cells go to work to reduce inflammation and regenerate and repair your tissue, they also call in more healing resources to aid in the task. 

This approach to chronic pain is one that doesn’t mask the issue, but works with your body to address and repair the underlying problem for long-term results.

Depending upon your medical issue, you may need a series of stem cell treatments, and you should realize your results gradually as the stem cells rebuild from within.

Fighting pain

Because stem cells are a natural resource, we’re able to use them to relieve chronic pain that stems from a host of issues, including:

And the list goes on. The bottom line is that there’s increasing evidence that stem cell therapy is a viable and effective solution for most musculoskeletal and orthopedic issues. 

If you’d like to explore whether stem cell therapy is right for you, please call one of our four locations for a consultation. 

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